Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lets be Indian

Its my personnel view over the observation's i had in last 5-10 years, that if you put a question to anyone asking "Please identify yourself?". The most expected answer from 90% of the people will be his/her name, followed by his city and then caste/state. It really hurts to hear from your fellow beings to hear that you belong to particular state or caste. Nobody identifies himself first as an INDIAN. The fact shown in "Chak-De" during the hockey team selection is a reality.

To really become a super-power nation we need to overcome this mentality of ours. We need to understand that we are INDIAN's first and then belong to any caste/state/religion.

We cannot progress unless and untill we think ourselves as an Indian and try to serve our country first.
I can just urge people to behave as INDIAN first.